El Paso Court House Directory

1420-A GERONIMO DRIVE EL PASO, TEXAS 79925 – 915-493-8441

Court House Directory For The Year Of 2023

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District Clerk 1st 103 546-2021 546-8139 Norma Favela Barceleau [email protected]
County Clerk 1st 105 546-2071 546-2012 Delia Briones
District Attorney 2nd 201 546-2059 533-5520 Bill Hicks
County Attorney 5th 503 546-2050 546-2133 Jo Anne Bernal
County Courts
CC#1 8th 802 546-2011 543-3865 Ruth Reyes Rose Hernandez
[email protected]
Christopher Solis
CC#2 8th 801 546-2145 543-3866 Julie Gonzalez Rhiana Chanchola
[email protected]
Glenn Shelley Maria Stallings
CC#3 10th 1001 546-2183 546-2184 Melissa Baeza Analuz Fernandez
[email protected]
Rafael Gallardo Bob Thomas
CC#4 8th 805 546-2190 546-2191 Alex Gonzalez Cathy Quezada
[email protected]
Carlos Mendoza JoanaContreras
CC#5 8th 803 546-2004 543-3861 Jesus Rodriguez Barby Copado
[email protected]
Chinh Nguyen Patricia Madrid
11th 1103 543-3824 543-3843 Karen Pelletier Cecy Estrada
[email protected]
Carlos Alvarez Tina Bohren
CC#6 11th 1106 543-3868 543-3830 M. Sue Kurita Arlene Saenz
[email protected]
Isaac Hernandez D’Anne Asleson
CC#7 8th 806 543-3877 No Fax Ruben Morales Araceli Jane
[email protected]
Patricia DeLaRosa Maria Chavez
County Criminal Courts
CCC#1 7th 706 834-8241 834-8285 Alma Trejo Melanie Ramirez
[email protected]
Mike Stevens Mary H. Caraveo
CCC#2 7th 704 834-8232 834-8212 Robert S. Anchondo Lory Acosta
[email protected]
Ruben Mendez Debbie Bradley
CCC#3 4th 413 834-8240 834-8217 Carlos Carrasco Margie Hannah
[email protected]
Ralph Telles Lucretia Thomas
CCC#4 7th 702 834-8248 834-8274 Jessica Vazquez Lillie Molinar
[email protected]
David Martinez Laura Armendariz
District Courts
Criminal District Court 469 546-8192 546-8103 Diane Navarrete Grace Herrera
[email protected]
Ruben Garcia Angie Morales
34th 9th 905A 546-2101 532-8513 William E. Moody Michelle Nolasco
[email protected]
David Pena Laura Akers
41st 10th 1006 546-2149 834-8220 Annabell Perez Uriel Barron
[email protected]
Alfredo Colorado Bertha Prieto
65th 11th 1105 546-2102 546-8157 Yahara Lisa Gutierrez Mayte Escobedo
[email protected]
Josefina Alfsen
[email protected]
Howard Capshaw Maci Sanchez
Family Court
10th 1003 543-3859 543-3878 Victor Salas Deanna Macias
[email protected]
[email protected]
Ruben Villa Liz Augustain
120th 6th 605 546-2103 546-2069 Maria Salas Mendoza Victoria Flores
[email protected]
Mario Flores Daeleen Melendez
168th 6th 602 546-2141 546-2142 Marcos Lizarraga Robert Vasquez
[email protected]
Kevin Quinn Rachel Simons
171st 6th 601 546-2100 546-2114 Bonnie Rangel Loretta Mata
[email protected]
Richard Salazar
205th 10th 1002 546-2107 546-2013 Francisco X. Dominguez Aurora
[email protected]
Jorge Estrada Jo-Anne
210th 10th 1005 546-2130 546-2031 Alyssa G. Perez Myrna Hernandez
[email protected]
Jose Marrufo Erika Wright
243rd 9th 901 546-2168 546-8107 Selena N. Solis Lynda Smigiel
[email protected]
Raul Prieto Andrea Logue
327th 6th 606 546-2032 546-2131 Monique Velarde Reyes Gladys Acosta
[email protected]
Esteban Anchondo Anita Garza
346th 7th 701 546-2119 546-2233 Patricia C. Baca Christian Darancou
[email protected]
Alfredo Hernandez Mary Ann Marin
383rd 11th 1101 546-2132 546-2020 Lyda Ness Garcia David Herrera
Ana Sanchez
[email protected]
[email protected]
Orlando Diaz Jason Metas
11th 1102 543-3871 534-7726 Patrick D. Bramblett Gina Arias
[email protected]
Cesar Anchondo
AG Child Support Court #1 6th 603 546-2010 834-8291 Laura Strathmann Sylvia Zubia
[email protected]
JC Ayala
[email protected]
Christie Saiz
AG Child Support Court #2 6th 604 546-2036 543-3814 Phyllis Gonzalez Iris Quiroga
[email protected]
Christie Saiz
384th 9th 906 546-2134 543-3882 Patrick Garcia Priscilla Fernandez
[email protected]
Rashad Jones Genesis Stephens
388th 9th 902 543-3850 543-3832 Marlene Gonzalez Al Alderete
[email protected]
Roy Davis Terry Thummel
9th 903 543-3859 543-3858 James D. Lucas Carmen Avitia-Ortiz
[email protected]
Israel Beard Ann Clark
409th 4th 459 834-8209 834-8204 Sam Medrano Aracely Gomez
[email protected]
Peter Maldonado Natalie Martinez
448th 4th 404 543-3893 834-8263 Sergio Enriquez Sandy Gutierrez
[email protected]
Art Perez Anita Ceja
Probate Courts
Probate Court 1 12th 1201 546-2161 875-8527 Patricia B. Chew
Joseph Strelitz
Court Master
Estela Alarcon
[email protected]
Mike Garcia Terry Fonseca
Probate Court 2 4th 422 546-8183 875-8530 Eduardo Gamboa Adriana Acosta
[email protected]
Camilla Madrid
Justice Courts Constable
JP #1 West Ste. 100 534-3917 No Fax Robert Pearson Maria Silvas
[email protected]
Oscar Ugarte
JP #2 North Ste. A 751-7575 751-7623 Bryan J. Haggerty Crystal Urquidi
[email protected]
Jeremiah Haggerty
JP# 3 Courthouse 3rd Rm
546-2170 546-8188 Josh Herrera Monica Carmona
[email protected]
Hector Bernal
JP # 4 East Ste. A 538-1600 538-1601 Rebeca Bustamante Alice Rosas
[email protected]
Louie Aguilar
JP # 5 Ysleta Ste. B2 859-3744 859-8681 Lucia Najera Ashley Calderon
[email protected]
Manny Lopez
JP # 6
Place 1
Clint 851-2019 851-3694 Ruben Lujan Margie Kalnas
[email protected]
Javier Garcia
JP # 6
Place 2
Mont 855-3062 855-3098 Enedina Nina Serna Margie Salcido
[email protected]
Javier Garcia
JP # 7 Vint Ste. C 886-2598 No Fax Humberto Enriquez Claudio Ibarra
[email protected]
Angela Sommers
Helpful Numbers
Court Of Appeal
12th 1203 546-2240 546-2252 Honorable Chief Justice Yvonne Rodriguez
Honorable Justice Gina Palafox
Honorable Justice Jeff Alley
DRO Suite LL- 108 834-8200 834-8299 Brian Stanley [email protected]
Jury Duty Liberty Hall 546-8102 [email protected] Victor Ramirez
Council Of Judges 1st 101 546-2143 546-2019 Mike Cuccaro
[email protected]
Court Administrator Suite LL -117 546-2093 No Fax Amy Lechuga [email protected]
Municipal Courts Deputy
810 E. Overland 212-0215 212-0216
MC Court 1 212-0222 212-0216 Albert Weisenberg
MC Court 2 212-0223 212-0216 Kristen Romero
MC Court 3 212-0224 212-0216 David A. Bonilla
MC Court 4 212-0225 212-0216 Enrique Holguin
MC Court 5 212-0226 212-0216 Daniel Robledo
Attorney General
Unit 808 East 855-3540 855-4816 Customer Service:
[email protected]
[email protected]
Unit 811 Hiller 772-1115 778-1814 Customer Service:
[email protected]
[email protected]


Municipal Courts
700 Overland Ave
El Paso, TX 79901